A Global Solutions Provider

The SDI family of companies provides its clients with the very best technological innovations and solutions in the world of specialized construction.  Built on the principles of hard work, integrity and honesty, SDI has developed a reputation for providing our clients with cost-effective solutions.  An open dialog at the earliest stages of the project yields the great opportunities for success.

Shaft Drillers International LLC (SDI)

A Global Solutions Provider

advancements in geotechnical construction

As one of the original SDI companies, Coastal Drilling East’s work ethic, honesty and integrity helped form the basis on which our collective attitude toward projects and services are based.  As a working model, CDE has developed technologies and protocols that not only separate it from other geotechnical construction firms, but also make it a leader within the SDI organization.  We believe in doing the right thing even if no one is there to witness it.


SDI brings unrivaled expertise in each of our operating areas to provide turnkey solutions to our clients around the globe by offering state-of-the-art solutions and making us one of the most solutions-focused contractors on Earth.

Creating tomorrow on a foundation of excellence

Specialized Construction requires not only a strict adherence to the design specifications, but it also requires the ability for technical innovation and advancements.  SDI is built upon a promise to deliver the right solution each time, every time. Paired with an unwavering commitment to safety first provides our clients with industry leading results.

  • On time and on budget
  • Meticulous project management
  • Experienced and knowledgeable staff
  • Planning for the present and the future

SDI excels in the development and execution of technologies and techniques that have provided our clients with the very best in cost effective construction services. Our moral character and our commitment to our clients ensures that each project is accomplished in a professional manner with an open and honest dialog ensuring the highest quality of work at a reasonable price. Our dedication to excellence can be seen offers a wide range of specialized construction capabilities and prides itself on our ability to work closely with owners and engineers in resolving overcome some of the toughest construction challenges.

SDI Capabilities

SDI leads the way in the development and execution of advanced technologies and techniques that allow the construction to go places where is was once never possible.

Our services
  • Specialized drilling technologies
  • Geotechnical construction
  • Well service
  • Civil construction
  • Dam construction and remediation
  • Integration of technologies

While each SDI company stands alone, the collective synergies, technical expertise, and unparalleled abilities of the SDI family of companies afford the ability to overcome and resolve client challenges in their time of need.


The SDI family of companies exists in a well-defined culture that puts safety first, celebrates our dedication to excellence, provides comprehensive advantages to our customers and promotes family values. Our dedicated and hard working employees know they are the backbone of our efforts and the reason we have become all that we have today.

SDI At A Glance

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